The title of my book is The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, by Tom Wolfe. The story is about a crazy physcedelic drug pioneer who gets out of jail, and then plans to travel the country spreading the word about a new frontier. He travels with his band of “Merry Pranksters” and speaks about what is known as the Acid graduation. At this point in my reading, I feel like my brain has been repeatedly beaten with a jar of mayonnaise. This book is wild and confusing.
I chose this book because it looked the most interesting on the list of books Ms. Lannin suggested. I thought it sounded funky and hip, and I had no idea what I was getting in to. So far this book is insane and it feels like i’m watching an abstract painting from the 60s through a kaleidoscope. So in a twisted way, you could indeed say this book is meeting (and surpassing) my expectations.A passage that pretty much sums up this book goes as follows, “the San Fransisco symbol of “bad”- thousands of neon-magenta martini glasses bouncing and streaming down the hill, and beneath them hundreds, thousands of people wheeling around to look at this freaking crazed truck we’re in, their white faces erupting from their lapels like marshmallows-streaming and bouncing down the hill.” Do you have any idea what any of that gibberish means? That’s what I thought, and that is only from page 1! This essentially sums up the entire book as far as I’ve read. It makes your mind hurt. As in, it literally causes you to experience pain while you are reading it.
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